Shaurya Goyal

Hi ! I am a research intern at IST Austria working on context specific learning and decision making in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex.

Focused on understanding the neural dynamics underlying cognition, my interests delve into learning, memory, decision-making, and social behavior, exploring connections between circuit-level mechanisms (e.g., replay), population-level concepts (e.g., manifolds, dimensionality), and neuromodulators such as dopamine and serotonin.

I enjoy running, hiking, beach volleyball, ultimate frisbee, playing the guitar, cooking new cuisines, board games, all sports and rock/indie/folk music.

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Projects (Out of date)

Some of the projects I have done as part of a course at college or from my own interest.

Comparing Activity in Epileptic vs Normal Prefrontal Cortex


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Epileptic PFC has definite interval spiking at and oscillations at ~8 Hz, ~16 Hz and ~25 Hz for the same stimulus as compare to normal PFC.

Do bike lanes increase bike commuter rates ?

Econometrics 1 Term Project, 2022


More bike lanes do lead to an increase in commuter rates. Significant improvements to find causality highlighted.

Estimation of Spatio-Temporal Receptive Field


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Low power across frequencies 150ms before spike, high power in high frequencies and null elsewhere at time of spike

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